
Below you can find a short overview of all the services we offer. Feel free to contact us using our contact form below.


Réunir is deeply committed to protecting the rights and interests of children and their parents within the realm of immigration law. We understand the profound importance of family unity and work tirelessly to ensure that children and their parents are able to remain together and thrive in their new environment. Our firm specializes in navigating the complexities of immigration law as it pertains to children and their parents. Whether it involves securing visas or residence permits for family reunification.

Entry Ban Appeal Procedures

Individuals who have been issued an entry ban by the Dutch immigration authorities may have the right to appeal the decision. Réunir's immigration lawyers are experienced in entry ban appeal procedures and provide legal assistance to individuals facing such bans. We carefully review the circumstances leading to the entry ban, gather evidence to support the appeal, and represent clients in challenging the ban to secure their right of entry into the Netherlands.

Refusal Residence Permits

In the Netherlands, a residence permit is typically required for non-EU/EEA nationals who wish to live and work in the country for an extended period. Réunir specializes in assisting individuals with the application process for various types of residence permits, such as work permits, family reunification permits, study permits, and permits for entrepreneurship. Our team ensures that all necessary documentation is prepared accurately and submitted according to Dutch immigration regulations.

EU Law Residence Permits

In the Netherlands, a residence permit is typically required for non-EU/EEA nationals who wish to live and work in the country for an extended period. Réunir specializes in assisting individuals with the application process for various types of residence permits, such as work permits, family reunification permits, study permits, and permits for entrepreneurship. Our team ensures that all necessary documentation is prepared accurately and submitted according to Dutch immigration regulations.

Visa Application and Appeal

The Netherlands requires visas for nationals of many countries who wish to enter the country for short-term visits, work, study, or other purposes. Réunir provides comprehensive support throughout the visa application process, ensuring that all requirements are met and the application is submitted correctly. In cases where a visa application is denied, our team assists clients with appealing the decision, providing legal representation and advocacy to challenge the refusal and obtain the necessary visa.

Entry Ban Appeal Procedures

Individuals who have been issued an entry ban by the Dutch immigration authorities may have the right to appeal the decision. Reunir's immigration lawyers are experienced in entry ban appeal procedures and provide legal assistance to individuals facing such bans. We carefully review the circumstances leading to the entry ban, gather evidence to support the appeal, and represent clients in challenging the ban to secure their right of entry into the Netherlands.

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